Sunday, February 25, 2007

Toddling Through The Blogging

You never know what intrigues and amusements the chess blogosphere is going to throw up next.

Witness The Kenilworthian describing a session of his teaching chess to kids:
At a recent lesson, I played a simultaneous exhibition against my chess students, spotting Queen and move. I told them that a prize was at stake - that anyone who could beat me would get something big.

With my Queen off the board and some mystery prize in the offing, they were really into it and tried their confident best to beat me. Even as they started dropping pieces, they did not quit. One student even caught me off-guard with a check I had not noticed.

In the end, however, it was a shocking slaughter. I routed them in under 30 minutes. I must admit, I played with a mixture of disappointment and glee.

And then featuring a very different kind of chess lesson indeed, there was this hilarious video. Who'd be a chess teacher?

Meanwhile, over at J'adoube, I've been nicknamed 'Gentle Tom'. Gentle Tom! Compared to Tom 'Chess Thug' Chivers, that makes for an . . . interesting change!?

Our blog is now three months, one week old. I'm only starting to wonder why we didn't think to do this sooner.


  1. Dare I ask how you earned that particular soubriquet...?

  2. Didn't you mean 'Gentle Tom' Jonathan?

    Well . . . I have no idea!

  3. Yes I did Mr. Gentle...

    curiously enough, though, only this morning I started re-reading Bobby Fischer goes to War.

    So ...?

  4. ...
    I wonder if this staggering coincidence means anything.

  5. Jonathan, I definitely prefer Chess Thug! Mr Gentle sounds like a cleaning product or something.

  6. Sounds like a Japanese cleaning product- Homer Simpson was the face of Mr Sparkle, a Japanese dishwashing detergent

