Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Flash Club Championship update: Robin, last year's champion, and Tom, winner of the mid-season rapidplay, have both already dropped points. Only Angus and Alexey have made it to 3/3. Tom will bring you a full report on the first day's play - hopefully glossing over my rather woeful contribution to the entertainment - tomorrow.

In the meantime, allow me to point you in the direction of Justin's post on Sunday - a fantastic problem by Reti. It's well worth a look if you haven't seen it yet.

It reminded me of this ...

"In the restaurant he opined that Richard Reti had been an over-rated player, repeating Alekhine's despicable theories about the treacherous game in which both bishops are fianchettoed. I might have drawn his attention to his game against Filip but this didn't occur to me at the time. I restricted myself to observing that Reti had been a an endgame composer of genius, which he accepted."

Later the same author refers to a letter his subject had written to a third party:

"He tells him that he is studying old opening manuals and then concludes: 'They don't waste time on the Catalan, Reti, King's Indian Reversed and other rotten openings.'"

So, who is being described here?