Sunday, June 01, 2008

Not a Sunday Puzzle

On Friday Tom was talking about adverts on chess websites.

The perfect time, then, to drop our current regular Sunday puzzle feature and go back to our old favourite the Sunday video clip.

Chess and advertising is not unknown to the S&BCC blog. If you check out our Video Index you'll find commercials made by Kasparov (three of them) and Korchnoi. We've even got Jay-Z claiming interest in chess in return for a wodge of cash from some bunch of corporate suits or other. Korchnoi's rather bizarre milk ad is my favourite although I quite like this Topalov one too.

1 comment:

  1. A good thing the girl didn't go for a toilet break. Topalov and Danailov may want to inspect the ladies to make sure she's not cheating. :)
