After a brace of erudite posts - from Morgan and Tom respectively - today I offer up something rather less weighty to lead us into the weekend.
A couple of days ago, while researching a matter completely unrelated to chess, I stumbled across this photograph.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guess the three word search term I plugged in to google images that led to me finding the picture.
A couple of days ago, while researching a matter completely unrelated to chess, I stumbled across this photograph.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guess the three word search term I plugged in to google images that led to me finding the picture.
Oh dear Tom, you're closer than you might expect.
I can confirm the l-word was one of the three.
"Kendra Wilkinson Lesbian"? You wouldn't be the first to try those search terms.
I have to get back to the other tab I have open now.
'Lesbian mating strategies'?
No and no.
Never heard of the Ms. K W.
The actual term - which is going to sound well dodgy but wasn't honest - is going to be quite hard to guess from the photo I have to say.
A reminder - ain't got nothing to do with chess.
dialectical materialism empiro-criticism?
I've no idea what the answer is, but have had a good try. The more pressing question now is how am I going to explain my browsing history to my wife?
I think I know!
Ray Keene lesbian?
Good tries one and all.
Time to reveal the answer. It was ...
"Unpleasant looking lesbian".
I shall draw a discrete veil over quite why I needed to google that. In the meantime I can only apologise on behalf of the S&BC Blog if we have inadvertently caused the end of the odd marriage or two.
So I was nearest
Btw, erudite!? (I mean, my post not Morgan's!)
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