Monday, December 28, 2009

The twelve puzzles of Christmas

Prokeš, 1946

White to play and win


Jack Rudd said...

1.Bd5 Kd2 2.e4 Ke3 3.e5 Kd4 4.e6 Kxd5 5.e7 h2 6.e8=Q h1=Q 7.Qa8+ looks as if it could be the main line.

Anonymous said...

1. Bd5 h2 2. Bh1 Ke2 3. e4 Kf2 4. e5 disentangles bishop and pawn successfully.

Anonymous said...

I'd better add the other variation now that it's just occurred to me: 1. Bd5 Ke2 2. e4 Ke3 3. e5 Kd4 4. e6 Kxd5 7. e7 h2 8. e8=Q h1=Q 9. Qa8+.

ejh said...

Indeed. Sourced from the Chess Café, who have a splendid Archive.