Saturday, May 15, 2010

2010 S&BCC Club Championship - Final Results

6.0 – Alan H

4.5 – Tom C, James M

4.0 – Morgan D

3.5 – Robin H, Chris M, David V

3.0 – Jan K, Hector H, Gary S

2.5 – Barry B

2.0 – Ash K, Jose D

1.5 – Angus F (from 4 games)

1.0 – Jonathan B (from 4), Thierry H (from 3)

0.5 – Sam E (from 3)

0.0 – Marc P

Thanks, as ever, to Angus for organising and congratulations to Alan for his win with a perfect score.

Special mention due to young Hector Huser who scored 50% despite having to play all three of his games in the second half of the tournament via telephone after being unable to get to the venue last Tuesday. Unlike Fischer in 1965, Hector had not been banned from traveling to the People's Republic of Streatham - he had just been detained elsewhere by a geography field trip.


  1. So how did he do it? Did somebody press his clock for him? Is there You Tube footage of this event?

  2. We'll have photos on Wednesday EJH
