How every Russian schoolboy knows his Rooks from his Bishops.
They digest it...


...their tea.
Warning: the packet says they contain "lemon". Yes, that's ' "lemon" '.
Contains "lemon"
Thanks to Richard Rawles for kindly bringing all this to my attention.
OK Smartypants. How did you do that title?
Cut and paste from Babel, my dear fellow.
In the US, the Pepperidge Farm baked-goods company has made Chessman Cookies from time immemorial. They've had no observable effect on the American standard of play.
OK Now we know the Soviets secret method, but how many packets do I need to eat to become a GM ? - Joe S
Yum! Yum! ed g.
Do you get a full set in a packet, or have to do swapsies with your chums to get them all?
How many packets to become a GM, Joe S?
Dunno, but the one I tried certainly gave me a taste of the board..
Reminds me of this:
Martin S: "Do you get a full set in a packet".
They come in bags of 24. It's been a long time since I bought any, but I think it's a standard assortment of 4 of each type, so it's rather short of pawns.
And they're plain butter cookies, so of course it's all white pieces.
Definitely a marketing opportunity there ed g.
One half of the cookies, or "biscuits" as we call them (using French for some reason or other), should be chocolate coated.
I ordered similar Russian chess cookies here in Canada and use it for risings level of my students. It works!
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