Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One hundred!

Three cheers for three figures! Congratulations are, apparently, due to Bogdan Lalic, who, in drawing with Alvaro Rioboo De Larriva in round five of the Benasque Open, has - or so we are advised*, played one hundred consecutive FIDE-rated games without defeat.

37 wins
63 draws
0 losses

One hundred games unbeaten in a row. Bogdan, we salute you.

[* reliably or otherwise. No notice should be taken of this statistic without independent confirmation from another source. All statements on this blog are to be treated with suspicion at all times.]

[Photo: Chessbase]


  1. Bogdan claims 37 wins and 63 draws (and losing 39 elo points) on Facebook. In the same post he describes chess as a horrible stupid game that should be abolished.

  2. Wow 32 people turned down draw offers on move 10? Still anyway good going Bogdan!

  3. it is sad that you are highlighting somebody who has drawn 68 out of 100 games at whatever level.

    32 wins = 32 points
    68 draws = 34 points
    total 66 points.

    50 wins = 50 points
    34 draws = 17 points
    16 losses = 0 points
    total 67 points.

    Even with 16 losses this is a better achievement, but maybe you are a bit of a draw merchant yourself.

    To me it is a shame that so many players,at club level also, seem to draw over 50% of their games.

    I think that some of these players are wasting their time and should do something else with their free time.


  4. Thanks to Richard for correcting our earlier figures.

    George - I tell you, if I could draw with Bogdan's skill I'd do it all gthe time...

  5. I think Bogdan's Facebook page is a highly accurate and reliable source indeed. Fuxx.

  6. According to this page, the last rated game Lalic lost was vs. Saric


  7. Anyone have any stats regarding the length of these games (n° of moves)?
