Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pop Quiz, Hotshot

The name of one chess grandmaster appears in the pages of John Berger's Ways of Seeing (London: Penguin, 1972), the book based on the television series of the same name. Whose?


  1. Sneaky one Morgan, especially as he wasn't a GM! I had to skim the book three times before I spotted it.

    It doesn't quite show up in the TV prog., but the clue is in the paper featured in Episode 4 at around 24 minutes. But do watch the rest of it first - it's a classic.

  2. Turner. Matthew Turner's surname appears on p87.
    C.H.O'D Alexander, who wrote the chess column mentioned in the facsimile of the Sunday Times Magazine on p152 "was awarded the International Master title in 1950 and the International Master for Correspondence Chess title in 1970...Many knowledgeable chess people believe that Alexander had Grandmaster potential",but...

  3. Not fair, Benjamin (Joel not Walter) was a GM, Conal Hugh was an IM.

  4. I was going to go for something random like Polugaevsky but it looks like I'm too late.

  5. Ahem. Bollocks. I thought Alexander had been given an emeritus GM title. O'well. Best put out an apology.

  6. Never apologise.

    As berger is a huge hero of mine I thought I'd see if he had written anything about chess - and found this:


    John Berger comments:

    ‘Every game of chess, like a game of cards, begins anew, offering pristine open choices. Thus, such games differ from life, where the continuity of cause and effect is endless, and no-one can ever return to start again at a beginning. This partly explains the deep and universal appeal of these games.'

    Partly indeed. Further research threw up this:


    'Lorraine Gill's work is owned by a growing list of influential international collectors and institutions:
    Prince Philip of Liechtenstein
    Tony Buzan, best-selling international author and speaker
    Raymond Keene OBE, International Chess Grand Master, author and chess correspondent for the Times, International Herald Tribune and Spectator
    Lord Christopher Portman
    Dr Fay Brauer, International Senior Lecturer, Sydney University
    John Berger, Art Critic
    Steve Redgrave OBE, sportsman
    Margaret McCall, producer BBC
    Count Roderick Sangorski
    Lady Granville of Eye'

    Berger and Raymondo? The horror, the horror!

  7. He might well have been had he lived long enough. But, of course, he died in 1974. I don't think that FIDE have ever handed out posthumous titles.....

    One stands to be corrected on that, as ever :)

  8. Ilkley Chsss - excellent. But shouldn't that be Lady Gnome of Eye?
