Friday, January 20, 2012

There's a new kid in town

How time flies. That's not the freshest of observations, I grant you. Still, it hardly seems a moment since T.C. suggested starting a blog and yet we've already whizzed through five years and well over a thousand posts.

As fun as it's been we grow weary, or old if you prefer. Two marriages, the birth of a child and new jobs have all taken their toll on our combat effectiveness. We need new blood and happily we've found some sloshing around in the body that belongs to Phil Makepeace.

The first I heard of Phil was when Release the Kraken started around a year and a half ago. Intelligent, interesting and amusing - what's not to love about a blog which uses its first post to invite readers to send in limericks about Stewart Reuben's beard? - RTK is everything that chess writing should be. Well, it is when it manages to haul its arse out of bed and get itself published.

Quality and not quantity is the Kraken watchword. I'm very pleased that Phil has agreed to fill some of the gaps by writing regularly for the S&BC Blog too. His first post is coming up this Monday. Do drop by and say hello.

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