Friday, April 13, 2012

Found Art

Friday. Some flotsam and jetsam from the internet to see us through to the weekend is the order of the day, methinks.

First, a twitter gem:-

Cricket is like chess - eleven men against eleven

which originates from Geoff Boycott on Test Match Special apparently. He might need a brush up on the basics, but I can't help but feel that Boycs would make a fine commentator at chess events. Wouldn't the London Chess Classic be even more fun if we had him wandering around the hall explaining to all and sundry that his grannie could have mated Carlsen 'with a stick of rhubarb'?

It's a game of chess out there

Second, we move on to something rather less savoury that I stumbled across on Facebook.  To wit,

My mum once walked into a hall full of chess dravers and opined that Cherniaev must be the only one in there who's ever had a good shag.

What exactly can our anonymous correspondent's mother see in everybody's favourite Curmudgeonly GM that can't be found in the average 'chess draver'?  What on earth is a 'draver'?  These are questions that must be left unanswered.

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