Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The time for decisive action is approaching

We've seen Ray's Times plagiarisms from 10 June and 11 June 2013. What, you have no doubt been wondering, did he do for the twelfth?

He did the eighth game of the 1987 world championship match between Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov.

This set of notes was plagiarised (as was this set) from the third part of Garry Kasparov On Modern Chess which was published by Everyman in 2009.

In that work it appears on pages 322-329.

1. Black's move eleven.


You can't find this note in Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, which annotates the move only with a diagram

but if we look up rather than down, we can see where Ray's comment likely comes from.

Still, no big deal. Not much to see here. Let us mine a little deeper.

2. Black's move eighteen.

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess:


That's more like it. Any more where that came from?

3. White's move thirty-five.

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess:


Couldn't have put it better myself. (Indeed, Ray obviously couldn't have put it better himself.) Anybody reading at the Times?

4. Black's move thirty-five.

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess:


That would be Sergei Makarichev, yes? Mr Makarichev joins the list of commentors who Ray has plagiarised, as it were, in passing...

5. Black's move forty-one.

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess:

Times: does Alexey Suetin.

6. White's move forty-two.

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess:


Not much happening here, either...

7. White's move forty-four.

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess:


...although this is a different story...

8. Black's resignation

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess:


...and the last note doesn't stray too far from the original, either.

That's plagiarism on Monday, plagiarism on Tuesday and plagiarism on Wednesday. What's next, do you think?

[Thanks to Pablo Byrne]

[Plagiarised by Ray Keene index]
[Ray Keene plagiarism index]
[Ray Keene index]


  1. While I am passing, every time I read one of thee I wonder why no-one is suing. The plagarised are the people who really could do something.

    Or, I suppose, maybe they are, and we just don't know.

  2. Well, I have my own theories about my Kasparov says nothing, but as it's no more than speculation, I'll keep them to myself for the while. As for the other people - twenty, at last count - I guess the answer may be that it costs money, they're not necessarily within reach of the UK legal system even if they're still alive, and there's not actually that much to gain. (Most things Ray does are trivial in themselves - that's kind of how he gets away with it. It's the whole history that's added up to an enormous mountain of discomfort.)

    If the suggestion, by the way, is that Ray couldn't survive a lawsuit, I think that's right. But of course the people who actually could do something are his editors. They could do it today.
