Thursday, April 03, 2014

Chess By Chocolate

Streatham and Brixton Chessers were out in force last Saturday setting out their stall at the gala re-opening of Streatham Library/Community hub after its refurb. It is where we will be running the Streatham Library Rapidplay on Sunday 13th April - open to all!

Here we are in the thick of it ...

...with much tea taken in the foreground thanks to the Women's Institute's coffee and cake stand - perilously close to our larger-than-life chess set (an accident waiting to happen) ...

...prompting Angus, our photographer, to fear (so he confessed afterwards) a fall from the stage into the confectionary and an exquisite death by chocolate. But the delicious fare didn't distract from his simultaneous display...

...nor from this young fan's interest in the game (though she's not impressed with white's position).

Robin munches on Pavel (back) and Paul
Come on down for more fun (and chocolate cake maybe) at the Streatham Library Rapidplay - Sunday 13th April.

[pictures 1 & 2 by Angus, 3 & 4 by MS]


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