Monday, July 28, 2014

Aberystwyth ISEs

Black to play
Howell - Williams, British Championship (4) 2014

Normally we’d be half way through at this point. This year we’re already approaching the closing stretch. Better get the ISEs in quick while I’ve still got a chance.

S&BCB’s own Justin Horton was paired against Yang-Fan Zhou in the first round. A tough welcome back to chess for EJH that. It’s a measure of Zhou's strength that you can consider his +4 =2 -1 and  current share of 4th place as under-performing. I’d actually thought he was a decent outside bet to win the Championship this year and if that’s not going to happen, well, I’d still back him to become England’s next Grandmaster.

Anyhoo, on move 21,

Black to play
Horton - Zhou, British Championship (1) 2014

Black played ... Nxb6 allowing White to win the exchange. I can’t say that I expected it, but after 22 Bxb6 Rxb6, 23 axb6 Qxb6, 24 Na2 e4, 25 fxe4 Nxe4, 26 Qf4 f5 Black’s bishop, queen and centralised knight looked rather impressive to me.

White to play

Howell - Williams was a rather different kettle of ISEs. A total mess from start to finish.

A great win for the Ginger GM, but Howell won his next three on the bounce. If he beats Hawkins today he might even be back in the lead - if only jointly - by the time you read this.

2014 ISE Count: 50
TISE Index