Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Literary Reference index

Goodbye To All That (Graves)
The Big Sleep (Chandler)
The Quiet American (Greene)
A Mad Man Dreams Of Turing Machines (Levin)
Smiley's People / The Russia House (Le Carré)
Z For Zachariah (O'Brien)
A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man (Joyce)
Funeral In Berlin (Deighton) **
The Dream Of Macsen Wledig (from The Mabinogion)
A Long Lunch (Hoggart)
Marianne Dreams (Storr)
The Tempest (Shakespeare)
Einstein's Dreams (Lightman)
The Name Of The Rose (Eco)
A Bad Night For Burglars (Block)
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell)
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
Youth (Coetzee)
Wolf Hall (Mantel)*
Northern Lights (Pullman)

** (plus The Berlin Defence... and Deighton time)
* (plus J'adoube)

also see:

Forbidden Planet (Fanthorpe/Muller)
The Mill On The Floss (Eliot)
Night Train To Lisbon (Mercier)

avant la lettre:

Before The Frost (Mankell)
Lush Life (Price)
The Shadow Of The Wind (Ruiz Zafón)

not to mention:

How HJR Murray didn't tell it (Gonick, The Cartoon History Of The Universe III)

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