Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Every Cloud

Some good news for English patzers like me - via Australian blogger The Closet Grandmaster - from an interview with Nigel Short:

"I am very disappointed with the state of chess in England. We don't have enough tournaments, so how can we produce players? Even Adams is getting long in the tooth. He was the last of the greats. Matthew Saddler has retired. Luke McShane will not become a professional player; you can't make money out of chess. And he is a bright kid. Maybe he will play for a year or two."

No more English Grandmasters! When enough Goliaths have fallen, the Davids stand tallest. I see myself clearly now at the Chess Olympiad of 2020, blundering cheerfully away on Board 1 - against those giants of the 64 squares, who play for the countries at the bottom of this list . . .


  1. Exactly. When was the last time one could play a FIDE rated game in Central London (assuming you are not a GM who got invited to the Simpsons tournament). I'd hazard a guess at Lloyds Bank 1993 (held near Marble Arch). Ten days or so in Hastings over New Year? Nein Danke! How about the Lottery reduces its grants to Opera from £2m to £1.97m (I am totally guessing at these figures, but wouldn't be surprised if they are right) and uses £30,000 to have one or two FIDE rated opens in London each year. Yes I know this isn't fair on the rest of the country, but quite frankly I hardly feel London has had a fair deal.

  2. I'm sure you're right Andrew...

    Maybe it'll get some funding related to its sports status, who knows . . .

  3. Personally I don't think chess is a sport. I know being physically fitter helps, but it is hard to think of anything where physical fitness doesn't help.

  4. I agree with you there too.

    I think the Germans call it a thoughtsport, or something like that. Perhaps that is most accurate.

  5. Lottery funding is only available for capital projects.

  6. In answer to Andrew's initial comment, the Surrey Chess Congress, to be held in Cheam at Easter, will have a 7-round FIDE-rated Open. I know it's not Central London but it is in travelzone 6 and only 30 mins by train from Victoria.

