Friday, June 15, 2007

Beat Basman!

Your chance to beat the world's most famous Grob-aficionado - the ever-grinning International Master Michael Basman - is coming up sooner than you might imagine.

He's giving a simultaneous display next week over at West London Chess Club, who've emailed me to say spaces are still left. The event will be held on Wednesday 20th June at 7.15pm in Chiswick Town Hall, with an entry fee of £12 for non-members such as ourselves. Those willing to take their chances against Basman's brand of crazy chess should email Mark Lyell as soon as possible to enter.

And should you do so, good luck!


  1. I was at a book fair all last week and in the hut next to ours they were selling this.

  2. Oh, I was going to say....judging by the position on the Hello Kitty board in the posting below, Basman is probably playing (or maybe Mike Surtees).

  3. Quite. I wonder what openings he plays in a simul?
