Monday, September 03, 2007

You've seen it in the movies...

That Kirsan Ilyumzhinov claims to have met aliens is no secret. I've read it in newspaper columns, in more jokey spots in the chess press, in passing in critiques of his leadership of FIDE. But there's something about watching him describe it really quite seriously in a television interview that, frankly, brings home how he really means it.

And so without further ado, via Chess Buff, here he is.


  1. Actually a list of chess players' wacky beliefs would probably be a long one. We'll kick off with reference to Jim Plaskett's Coincidences and any public statement ever made by Bobby Fischer...

  2. 17th September is my birthday.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  3. forgive my inclusion off topic, but time to time, i have big posts, as you do, and this one today aught not to disappoint. warmly, dk

  4. Evidently, the aliens were considerate enough to bring Kirsan back to Earth to make his appoinment. How nice! Kirsan was lucky enough to hooked up, or beam up, with the good guys and not those having a bad light year. Kirsan must tell us more about this meeting. What do the aliens think about the present FIDE world championship cycle? Are there any more dunderheads in the vast cosmic world?
