Friday, December 14, 2007

Bridge Too Far?

"Incidentally," wrote ejh in response to an unusual sartorial query aimed our way from chess-blog demigod Edwin Meyer, "are people really discussing smart clothing on a chess site? Is this a first?"

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But the world of Bridge has certainly been discussing what to wear, since players of the game have been told officially to smarten up their act, reports the BBC:
Bridge... is to get a new behaviour policy to clamp down on rowdiness and unsuitable attire.

The English Bridge Union is planning to introduce the national policy in a bid to tidy up players.

Top British and European player Tony Forrester supported the policy, saying that clothing did affect play.

He criticised men of all ages who attended tournaments "in shorts, smelly T-shirts, sandals, no socks".
Does chess need smartening up too?


  1. I once described myself as "badly-dressed" in a Personals ad, which may also be a first...

  2. Was it successful? Are you able to say what else you put? Did you mention chess?

  3. I think I managed to omit chess, cats and football. Doesn't leave much really...

    ...but it's why I am where I am now.

  4. A chess-blog demigod, hmmm... I think i like the sound of that ;)

  5. Woo for personal ads! I wonder why chess magazines never run then?

  6. But did you ever see the chess ad in the London Review of Books Personals section?

  7. It basically gave the score of a King's Indian - played, I think, by Shirov - and invited anybody who was enthralled to get in touch.

    It was reproduced in Kingpin some years ago.

    If you pop into the LRB bookshop - not very far from where you work - there's a collection of their best Personals ads. It might be in there.

  8. Good oh, I'll wander up & take a peek.
