Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rock and Roll

The S&BCC Blog quota of video clips for the week already having been filled by Tom's chess playing duck last Wednesday, you may want to hop over to Chess Vibes for a peek at their request for examples of music videos with a chess theme.

Chess Vibes is one of those websites I feel I should really visit more often. Every time I do I think it's really good but never quite get around to checking it out on a daily basis. There's just not enough time left after all those wasted hours on doomed attempts to win games of scrabulous and tracking down amusing clips of what happens when an eejit gets hold of a large log (and when I say 'amusing' that's for the first 20 seconds or so only. The rest pretty much amounts to feckwit lying face down in the grass).

Anyhoo, the Vibers were kind enough to credit us with finding Ray of Light but curiously they only found out about Rook House for Bobby during Corus even though we've had the I Like Trains video up in our Video Index almost as long as the Madonna song (both being published here early last September.

Note to Chess Vibes: does that mean you should be looking at us just as much as we should be looking at you? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Correct, for similar reasons I regret it that I don't come here more often. Though, I guess being pretty quick with this reply means it's not so bad. ;-) Of course I saw "A Rook House for Bobby" here too, but after Aviv Friedman had told me. He writes the Corus web reports and loves the song.
