Sunday, March 30, 2008

King's Head rapidplay

The 31st King's Head Rapidplay is being held next Saturday, 5th April, over in Porchester Road, Bayswater. Kick-off is at 11am.

The total prize fund is £700...

First: £250
Second: £100
Third: £50

with six grading prizes of £50.

Your author, who does not expect to be troubling the organisers for any of the above, has not played a tournament (rapid play or long play) for many years but intends to come out of retirement for this one.

The entry fee is £20 if you enter in advance with a £5 late fee if you turn up on the day.

Entry form available here.


  1. I think the fee is a bit expensive isnt it??? 20 quid mate... cheers

  2. Keep an eye out for the highly idiosynchratic interpretation of the Accelerated Swiss pairing system!


  3. Does that involve manipulating the first round draw because they think I'm overgraded, directly leading to me getting a tougher final round pairing, consequently not winning the tournament, and never playing there again. Doubtless they will cancel the tournament claiming insufficient entries at some future time. They've already lost c£100 from me alone.

  4. Hi guys ... I've just noticed these comments so sorry for not replying before.

    Yes, the pairing system was interesting to say the least. I have to say I was largely the beneficiary of this though:

    after four rounds I was on three points but hadn't played anybody higher graded than myself (well one guy but it was just 1 point) and I'd had three whites.

    Came back down with a bump in the last two rounds and ended with 3.5/6.

    Enjoyable day for me - I think £20 is not unreasonable for a chess tournament in London these days but then I've no idea what it costs to hire a hall.
