Monday, May 26, 2008

Club News, Update!

Is it raining all over your Bank Holiday Monday, too? Well, at least we have some good club news to spread a bit of sunshine around. Because two Mondays ago, Streatham and Brixton Chess Club won the Eastman Plate, and by the tightest of margins: 5½ to 4½ against an Insurance side who outgraded us on most boards. Congratulations to all who played, and especially to Chris "Captain Miracle" Morgan, whose sides just can't stop winning.

But that's not all. Congratulations are also due to our First Team in the Croydon League. Robin's opponent from the match against Crystal Palace resigned before resumption, which means we won that match and thus finish top of the table overall to win the Croydon Shield, ahead of Cousldon by half a point. Meanwhile in Divisions 2 and 3 of the Croydon League both of our teams finished an impressive joint second. Also second this year are our team in the Stoneleigh Trophy, and Captain Robin Haldane writes that his team "hope to do better next year and that we can join QPR in winning the title."

(Personally, I think that winning the FA Cup is the finest ambition a football club can have...)

1 comment:

  1. Dave Varley says that his team just lost to Coulsdon in the final of the Lauder Trophy, 2.5/3.5. Or to put it another way: we suceeded in coming second in that one, too.
    All told: not a bad season for the club.
    Martin S.
