Monday, July 07, 2008

Chess for the weekend?

How was your weekend? Not quite chessy enough? Well, that needn't be the case next weekend - because a Richmond Rapidplay is taking place Sunday 13th July. I know several Streatham and Brixton Chess Club players are already going, and if that isn't enough to tempt you, you'll find below excellent photographs from the last one (thanks to Vad from Streatham Chess Club). Oh, more details and entry stuff is here.

Grandmasters waiting . . .

Tough competition (click for larger) . . .

. . .

The action begins . . .

. . . the end of the day, and prizes that points have won.


  1. If any S&BCC or Streatham Library players are interested and would like a lift, please contact me. I have two places left in my car...


  2. Any chance of returning to single tables for the top Open boards?


  3. Pedantically, not every player in the "grandmasters waiting" shot is a grandmaster. I know this because I've drawn with one of them - and I've never yet got a draw off a GM.

  4. There are two - John Nunn and Alexander Cherniaev. I meant to indicate two senses - Grandmasters are waiting to make a move, Grandmasters are waiting to play you in this event!
