Monday, September 15, 2008

Clothes for Chess Players?

Now. Either my dress-sense has reached a new all-time low (again), or Chess Motifs really do produce some great clothing. My favourite from their vast array is this Fischer t-shirt:

And don't worry if green's not really you - it's also available in various other colours, a few different styles, as well as as a hooded-top, a tracksuit for women, a mouse-mat, a bumper-sticker, a bag, a teddy-bear, a mug, a bib and (as Americans are wont to call pants) as knickerbockers.

Then again, this badge looks to me the best reason to begin the game with an orangutan that I've seen for a long while:
You can buy a hundred here.

So will you see Chivers decked out in such items at a chess tournament near you soon? Probably not. Shipping from the States is usually prohibitively priced, and frankly, it's quite possible my dress sense really has just hit a new all-time low.

Or has it . . .


  1. Chivers, by the way, is away for a few days and will be unable to respond to your enquiries. (We have sent him to a sartorial re-education camp.)

  2. Wow, these are great!

    Especially this.

  3. A pedant writes...

    that should be 1. b4 surely.

  4. I shopuld add that I have tried without success to locate a photo of Veselin Topalov in the pink tie he was wearing during the first round at Bilbao. If anybody can do better, do link to it here.
