Monday, December 08, 2008

Club News

It's no secret that in the Londons League's Division One, matches are played across twelve boards. So it may surprise some to see board 9 from our match versus Athenaeum on the 26th November being declared void, the final score given out of eleven. That is until you notice the date. The match was played on the  same day that Bob Wade was taken into hospital, subsequently passing away on the Saturday. On that Wednesday he was due to play board 9 against us, but our team decided afterwards that -in captain Martin Smith's words- due to "the fondness and admiration that we all held for Bob, transcending team and club interests, and as mark of respect to his memory" we did not want to claim that particular win. A tie then the match turns out: but a result we hope that offers a small, affectionate gesture towards one of Caissa's most warmly-regarded servants, and all our condolences. May he rest in peace.

Perhaps other club news might now strike a somewhat minor note, but nonetheless on our great game goes being played. Streatham Two for instance are 3-2 down in their match against Cavendish Thirds from the 4th, with a remarkable five games adjourned. Good luck to the team with those. Meanwhile on the subject of adjourned results, Streatham's Third Team London League match against West London 2 from two weeks ago today was left 4-2 on the night itself, with two left to play. The two left to play were both rook endgames - with fellow bloggers Morgan and Jonathan B commanding the pieces - and inevitably they ended in draws. So we win that one 5-3.

Finally, in the Croydon League's Division One, our first team beat Crystal Palace on the 24th by the score of 3-1. Now if that score sounds like a familiar result to you in this competition, you're not wrong. As Neill Cooper has emailed me to point out, the remarkable fact is that every match so far in the Division has been decided by that same score. What are the odds?

And that's it for now, until next time.

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