Thursday, January 01, 2009

The twelve puzzles of Xmas

White to play and draw


  1. I have to confess that despite having seen the solution to this one before, I failed to solve it this morning. Bodes well for 2009!

  2. Kc8 forces the pawn to move then b5 kd7 b4 kd6 bf5 and kd5 lets black catch the b pawn. Guess who didn't go out last night!

  3. You mean White?

    I was asleep by midnight. Hurrah!

  4. (John's line is a little wrong in detail, by the way)

  5. Ke5 is needed to attack the B rather than Kd5 I think. I have seen this somewhere before- I would guess Secrets of Spectacular Chess. John Carlin posting in the comments section? What's this? A New Year's resolution John?

  6. Actually I think Andrew's right - sorry, I'm not seeing straight today.

    Will post source etc when I've had a coffee..

  7. OK, I never did get my coffee yesterday but having had a bucket-sized espresso this morning, I can tell you that John's line, as amended by Andrew, is correct.

    The puzzle is by AV and KV Sarychev, Shakhmatny Listok, 1928. I found it searching among the Chessbase Xmas puzzles for 2002.
