Saturday, January 24, 2009

Two could play at that

To his surprise, instead of making a pass at him, she sauntered over to join him at the service niche. She took up an Imperial armorers’ sponge in her fingers, and began cleaning and disinfecting the blade of an épée, which showed that she knew what she was doing.

Her curled hand stroked firmly up and down the long shaft, leaving a gleaming trail of moisture where the sponge in her palm had pressed. The erotic suggestion was almost certainly deliberate.

Two could play at that.
A short excerpt from Knight's Fork by Rowena Cherry who, according to her publicity:
...has played chess with a Grand Master and former President of the World Chess Federation (hence the chess-pun titles of her alien romances).

She has spent folly filled summers in a Spanish castle; dined on a sheikh's yacht with royalty; been seranaded (on a birthday) by a rockstar and an English nobleman; ridden in a pace car at the 1993 Indy 500; received the gold level of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award; and generally lived on the edge of the sort of life that inspires her romances about high-living alien gods.
As for me, I've lived on the edge of the sort of life which inspires me to note that there are at least three errors of English in the paragraph above. But that's probably why I shall be playing chess today, and Ms Cherry (not, I suspect, her maiden name) will be living a life among alien gods. Or something similar.

Or maybe she will be busy at her desk, adding to her apparently Orwell-inspired oeuvre - among which are such works as Forced Mate, Mating Net and Insufficient Mating Material.

I, at least, am not making this up.

[Thanks to my brother for this.]


  1. Super blog. I've just added you to my Technorati favorites, and will be linking to you in a little while.

    Thank you for quoting a scene from Knight's Fork. Although it is not one of the chess playing scenes, the hero does go on to offer "Wouldn't you rather play chess? It's less damaging to the clothes."

    I was one of 27 local "champions" who participated in an exhibition match at Sausmarez Manor in the early 1970s when Dr. Max Euwe defeated all of us simultaneously. He was a mathematical player, and quickly recognized classical games which the adults had memorized.

    The children (two of us, representing the Ladies College and Elizabeth College) lasted for three hours because our games were unrecognizable.

    Best wishes,
    Rowena Cherry (real name, but not my maiden name)

  2. Immediate old pop song connection:

    Oh, I've been to Nice and the Isle of Greece while I've sipped champagne on a yacht
    I've moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've got
    I've been undressed by kings and I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to see
    I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me.

    However, all credit to Ms. Cherry, who is quoted as saying that chess is "sexy, intellectually stimulating and fun."

    She's one of us!

  3. Thanks to Rowena for replying. I trust she's having a good weekend.

  4. Rather fewer thaks to Warheit for drawing my attention to that Charlene number. I don't think I'd ever heard it before and having been obliged to switch off Youtube a short way into the spoken sequence, I shall not be displeased if I never hear it again.

  5. These alien romance book titles remind me of a best-seller*

    "Sex Mates of a Chess Mistress"

    As I recall, a kangaroo was involved in one of the scenes. It's really too bad I lost this book.

    * East Coast, USA, late 1970s, Chess Tournament booksellers

  6. I've recently become aware of a typo in my bio, and much to my mortification, googling "seranaded" brought me here. And elsewhere.

    It should, of course, be "serenaded". I apologise.

  7. It should, Rowena, it should.
