Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Future World Champion II

An early coaching session -
T.C. whispers strings of Najdorf theory into Peter's ear

Mother and son doing well

Peter: "In 15 years I'll be kicking your arse".


  1. Congratulations Tom!
    But will be seeing as much of you next season?

  2. Judging by pic 4 he's got the Chivers Cheeky Grin.

  3. If it takes fifteen years for him to kick my ass, he'll never be world champion :)

    But I'll only teach him chess if he wants to learn.

    I guess I'll play a similar amount next season Adam, but just at a lot lower standard :)

  4. Only if he wants to learn? That's loser talk.

    Clearly I'm going to have to assume the role of chess uncle. I'll start Saturday with a reading from my book on French Tarrasch sidelines.

  5. Congratulations to Peter, Sarah & Tom from all at the Streatham Library Chess Club. We're thrilled for you.

    >>I'll only teach him chess if he wants to learn

    Once again we see that the road to, "It's my way or the highway", inevitably starts with good intentions!
