Thursday, April 09, 2009

In The Library with a Blindfold ...

... was never the solution in Cluedo if memory serves but it is an outline of what Rawle Alicock will be up to on the 23rd of April.

It seems to be announcement week here at the S&BC blog.

We've already trumpeted young Peter's arrival (and a second time with photos). Today it's time to tell you about Rawle Alicock's blindfold simul that will be held at the library in a couple of weeks time.

You may recall Rawle taking on the club in a similar challenge last October. He won 6.5 - 1.5 back then and we're hoping for another tough fight this time around. Organiser Stan 'the library man' Rodriques tells me that Rawle will be taking on 'at least eight' and that the whole thing kicks off around 7pm.

More details, should you want them, from Stan himself -

Finally, since we've broken with our usual custom of publishing just one post each day on a couple of occasions this week, let me point you in the direction of a couple of items you might have missed.

Tuesday our first post of the day was the 13th in EJH's Miss Easy Tactics series.

Wednesday it was was Tom's Art in Chess Pieces

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