Friday, October 09, 2009

Don't mind if I do

The bloke in Huesca who cuts our hair went on holiday last month, to London. He was telling us all about it. Said he had a great time, but one thing puzzled him. In the pubs - why did everybody say "chess"?


  1. Ha! Is this related to the work of his fellow Spaniad Jaime HayĆ³n? Did he mishear 'yes' a lot? Or did he only go to The Plough at Museum Street on Mondays?!

  2. more like "cheeazzz", shurely?!

    :-) seani

  3. If he can afford to spend is holiday in London pubs I think you need to find a cheaper barber.

  4. I talked to an American comedian on a train to Nottingham back in 2005, who asked if it was OK to say "Thank-you" rather than "Cheers".
