Monday, September 06, 2010

Had we but World Service enough and time

Chess fanatic Simon Terrington explores the game in today's world. Is modern technology changing it and how it's played?
So says the blurb for Seeking The Endgame, a two-part documentary going out this coming weekend, and the next, on the BBC World Service. It's in a strand called the Friday Documentary, though in fact the programmes are broadcast at various times on the Saturdays and Sundays too. As well as, presumably, at your convenience for a period after those broadcasts, via the above-mentioned modern technology and the World Service Documentaries web page here.

I'd hoped to track down the mysterious Mr Terrington for an interview in connection with the programmes, but despite spending a fair part of last week trying to track him down I've not - yet - been able to make direct contact. Thanks, nevertheless, to Penny Crook at the World Service for her help.

Anyway, this, I think, is our host for the shows, presumably just having played 6.Nbd2 in a symmetrical line of the London System.

One trusts the programmes will be more diverting! Do please listen to them, and find out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the name check. I can be hard to get hold of because I spend all my time reading chess blogs :) Not realy, work has been very busy. I take your point on the London System. I like to play it in Blitz particularly when I am getting to know somebody. If you love and the Slav and the Caro the the London System can't be bad (although maybe it is not that good).
