Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Opposites of Chess

I've been following the chess offerings on Etsy, the homemade, handmade, arts &/or crafts internet seller, so you don't have to! Here's a few recent additions that caught my eye . . .

The Queen Sacrifice:

What can I say? I don't think I can beat the seller's description: "This is a rendition of a chess strategy with the queen embodied as a Female in a futuristic like outfit laying across the chess board."And I'm not surprised white is down on the clock here. Only $220.

I think I know how to make chess more popular. A giant chess board with people for pieces, the only way to know who is which piece is by their . . .

The Chess Players, a novel:

Maybe I'm not very good at teh interweb, but that doesn't look handmade to me?

Wood Chess Set:

Non-traditional colours? Non-Staunton shapes? White not on the right? Gosh, I should hate you. But you look so good! I would change our conventions for you.

And that's it for today. If you missed my first post about chess stuff on etsy, you can find it by clicking here.


  1. Maybe I'm not very good at teh interweb

    typo or joke??

  2. I thought I was trying to get onto the Streatham blog but seems I went to Regretsy instead
