Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Points of View

Peter Turland of the EC Forum writes:-

... an incredible amount of absolute rubbish is broadcast ...

Indeed so.

... you know gay TV, porn, cheap tacky jewellery auctions, sports like bull riding ...

Umm, run that first one by me again.

... I have nothing against people who prefer sexual acts with people of their own gender ...

Oh good.

... per se ...


... and consider the way Alan Turin [sic] was treated by our judiciary to be a scandal ...

So gay TV notwithstanding, no homosexualist has penetrated your consciousness since 1954? No matter, perhaps we should get to the point.

... I fail to see why gayness is on our national media and chess isn't.

Why oh why oh why oh why?

Alas, the Streatham & Brixton Chess Blog is quite unable to help Mr. Turland with his query, although we suspect it's probably got something to do with political correctness going mad.


  1. Truly a worthy successor to Ernie "PC Plod" Lazenby :-)

  2. Successor? AFAIK DCI Lazenby has not gone away my anonymous friend.

    btw: I passed this comment because I thought it was funny, but as a general rule I feel that if folk who comment make reference to other people by name (even if only in rather mild way as here) then perhaps they might want to think about revealing their own name.

    Just a thought.

  3. Maybe "gay" TV gets better ratings!?

  4. So then, I am guessing this person would not be too happy about a TV show starring a gay grandmaster who wears cheap tacky jewelry and rides bulls on the side.
