Thursday, April 21, 2011


He used to be 'The Professor'. I read these articles from all these clever reporters who said he sat there like a chess master. He's watching the game and all the other idiots are jumping up and down, shouting and screaming, and Arsene Wenger sits there studying every move on the pitch. That was the year they went unbeaten. We can all sit there with a cigar when you're winning 3-0, saying 'this is good'. Suddenly they started losing and he was one of the biggest nutters of all. He's jumping around more than anyone now.

Harry 'jowls' Redknapp, speaking yesterday, on fellow North London football club manager Arsene Wenger. Rumours that Arsene had just called Harry a "wheeler-dealer" remain unconfirmed.


  1. If you merged Charles' face with Camilla's, you'd get something very much like Harry Redknapp.

  2. I really *really* dislike Jowls. More than any other former Southampton manager. More, even, that Iain 'hope you die soon' Branfoot.

  3. Well, Jonathan, Portsmouth fans don't call him "Agent Redknapp" for nothing, you know ;)

  4. Despite winning us the cup, most Pompey fans despise the man. I wonder how many other clubs' most sucessful and most hated former managers are, in fact, the same person?
