Friday, June 03, 2011

"It's all over now, Baby Blue"

Just yesterday - and probably days after everybody else - I happened to come across the YouTube channel belonging to a chap calling himself Sir B0b1. This gentleman - his real name is not a secret, but we'll leave it as an exercise for the reader - introduces his channel thus:
Welcome to my channel. I intend to add Master Game Chess episodes from 1980 to 1982 for public viewing.
Well hurrah for that, we say, particularly because the programmes feature the original visuals, not available last time we brought you The Master Game.

It's a work in progress: some of the videos have been added in the last few days. Among several games are three finals, all of which are embedded here, but there's plenty of others to enjoy - and perhaps remember.

So do, indeed, enjoy. And watch out for You-Know-Who being described, by Bill Hartston, as "a very fine, erudite writer on the game". Those were the days.


  1. Bill Hartston interviewed about chess on TV - including the making of the Master Game - here.

  2. Quinteros v Browne from 1982 has to be one of the most entertaining games ever. I remember watching it as a spotty teenager - fantastic to see it again after all these years.

  3. The Nunn move referred to in the commentary to that game is this one.

  4. I've been watching some of these over the last few days and enjoying them immensely, but I don't know how anyone can parse that chessboard. I have to have an extra board up on the side to mirror the game so I can actually look at it.

  5. Ok I give up. Who is Bob?


  6. I can't remember, it's so long since I saw Twin Peaks.

  7. When will someone show the 1983 Master Game, where Miles beat Karpov in the final?
