Friday, August 19, 2011

Bad book covers XX

Tactimania: find the winning combination, Flear, Quality Chess, 2011

[Bad book covers index]


  1. ... and surely the worst title, ever?

  2. Justin, don't the kids who visit your bookshop love anything with Manga style illustrations?
    I looked at the book in Munificent Malc's emporium and thought the illustrations were great, though perhaps more appropriate for a children's book.
    Yes, the title's pretty bad but perhaps it fits in with the illustrations.

  3. don't the kids who visit your bookshop love anything with Manga style illustrations?

    You'd think so, but I'm not sure I've ever managed to sell one.

    Nothing against the style, myself, but I don't think the cover is a triumph of composition. It looks like when I was a kid and used to put far too many transfers on the back of cereal packets.
