Monday, November 07, 2011

A rare event

White to play
JMGB v Drunken Knight, October 2011

I'd been aiming to reach this position for a couple of moves. When I got here I played 23 Rf2. It wasn't my original intention, and it is very probably not the best move, but there is a point to it.

What was my idea?


  1. To prevent Bb5+?


  2. To further Omega Amigo's idea - B to d3 via f1 and N to g5 via h3?

  3. I think you are trying to make cxd5 work. For example if Black doesn't counter the threat, you have cxd5 and then if cxd5 you have Bxf8 Rxf8 and now Nxd5 exploiting the now undefended Bishop on d7. If instead exd5, you have Bxf8 as in the previous line. Bxh3 no longer threatens the Rook so you can play Bxg7 winning a Knight because the Bishop on h3 is still en prise.

  4. Was the idea to make a move that spoiled nothing and then offer a draw?

  5. Not on this occasion Justin.

    Richard + Anonymous have it. I'd been heading for this position intending to play

    1 Bxf8 Rxf8, 2 cxd5 cxd5, 3 Nxd5 exd5, 4 Bxd7

    but at the last minute realised that Black would be able to play 3 ... Rxf1+, 4 Kxf1 Bb5+ (ouch) and only then 5 ... exd5.

    Rare for me to spot this sort of thing just before playing the move rather than just after.

  6. The point behind Rf2, of course, is that now 3 ... Rxf2, 4 Kxf2 Bb5 isn't check - as Richard spotted early doors. I suspect he realised this much more quickly than I did.

  7. Doubling up Rooks forgetting you didn't have another one..?

    Getting nearer the time control?

  8. Doubling rooks when i only have one? I like it. It's very much the sort of thing I would do - but not this time.

  9. I also considered the possibility that the idea was to play Kg2 but you accidentally touched the rook first.

  10. It is very kind of you to spare my embarrassment ;-)
