Friday, September 07, 2012

The Worst Move On The Board XIII : Olympiad special

Emi Hasegawa v Fong Mi Yen, Women's Olympiad, round two. Position after 15...Qe7-h4.

It's board three in the Japan v Malaysia match. It's the Olympiad. It's all about finding moves.

There's one move here that's worse than all the others. And Hasegawa found it.

[I borrowed this off the daily Chess Today newsletter, issue 4317]
[Worst move index]


  1. On the contrary, assuming it's f2-f3, I would say that it is the best move on the board, all things considered. How did white manage to lose her b-pawn?


  2. To be fair, he did anticipate something going to g3, when he would play h3 to halt the attack. It's not his fault his opponent moved something else there.

  3. Try looking at Akopian-Meier (Rd 9 I think). Another f3-square loser. And no zeitnot. Good for another example, if nothing else. And a GM too

  4. Yes, I saw that one. But I don't think it's clearly the worst move on the board (44...Qxc5 or 44...e3). Quite a mistake though, and one that might still give Armenia the gold.

    Richard - I think one of the players must have knocked the b-pawn off the board in their excitement. I have put it back.

  5. Of course 44...Qd8 might be worst of all.

    Anonymous - not "he". She.
