Monday, November 05, 2012

What Do You Do, Son?

What do you do?
I don't know, but I know, I do it every day

The Bonzo Dog Band

Hooray for amateurism. Especially amateurism that means Colchester United get dumped out of the FA Cup. If you think that's unfair of me, consider that I'm a Wycombe fan. Beating the pros is the stuff of folklore and can cause delusions of riding a Lambretta. Check out the bloke on the left in the above snap.

Now, I've already touched on the issue of pseudo-professionalism within chess, and I'm not going to readdress it here. Instead, as I've said, let's celebrate those who, for whatever reason, don't compete full-time but can still mix it up at the top. Let's celebrate those who are achingly talented but have different priorities.

Congratulations to Luke McShane. England No. 1.

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