Friday, December 14, 2012

What happened next XVIII / The Worst Move on The Board XIV

Wednesday's position comes from the game Morph-Gillespie, transmitted by the BBC on 1 May 1981 in the series The Amazing Adventures of Morph.

Morph played 1.Ne3+ (regrettably the complete game score is not available)

and Gillespie then responded with the worst move on the board.

Morph then delivered checkmate - and what happened next is that Morph dreamed he rescued Delilah from some dragons and a wicked knight. Or maybe it was a king.

[Thanks to Richard]
[Worst move index]
[What happened next index]


  1. Glad they took sufficient pains to make it accurate, chess-wise, even in (or especially in??) a kids animated programme.

    I remember watching these, I was about 10 when that was chosen.

    I also remember that Chas had the best voice, although he was the troublemaker. ;-)
