Wednesday, February 06, 2013

A Trivial Interlude

I'm feeling uninspired. Proper chess can go hang for a week or so. Not that I regularly dish that out either.

Anyway, instead, I'm going to open up a little competition to the masses and see which of you fine folk can make me smile.


You have a pool of 199 players to choose from; the top 100 women and the top 99 men (Judit is in both lists).

You have until 2100 GMT on Tuesday February 12 to submit anagrams of our heroes, the sillier the better. I'll do a Lyttle Lytton-esque rundown of the best in my next column. 

Now then. Go away. Impress me. 



  1. A few from the top 12 men -
    Danish Navy
    Abortive Arm Judo / Vibrate Jam Odour
    Penis Valve Tool
    Lurking Sex Charade
    Surname Clangs
    Remove Lexicon Hazard / Vexed Caramel Horizon
    Jerky King Areas
    Earl van Onion

  2. A couple more of the top men:
    Ominous Larva Porn
    Idle Perverts

    And some of the top women:
    Tripodal Jug
    Nonsexual Karate Kid
    Analog anti-piano
    Italic Jerky Vomit
    Tanker Analogy

    Also "The Kosintseva Sisters" = "She sinks to travesties"

    And Pia Cramling = Malign Pirc (or Cranial Gimp / Alarming Pic / Cigar in Palm)

  3. As with chess databases, it is possible to cheat using anagram servers.

    Luke (ignoring the J) comes out as "Make Lunches". A future career as an arbiter or Times chess correspondent perhaps.


  4. Taking one from each list, Short and Paehtz gives;

    apt dozenth rash.


  5. Jaw Go Insane - aka your housemate, Keep A Hip Camel.

  6. @Tom Chivers - or even A Neon Jigsaw?

    PS Pia Cramling = A Malign Pirc obviously... (needs another "a")

  7. Cathy Forbes (where is she now)was doing these before you were even born Phil e.g. Ian Thomas (who) = I shot a man.

  8. Clicking that link reminds me ejh -did you ever find out if the two Paul Sanders were one and the same?
