Wednesday, February 13, 2013

March TT Fleet

I've never liked Audis much, anyway...

Given only one person really bothered, this will merely be a rundown of some of Matt Fletcher's best, with a few of mine thrown in for the craic. Incidentally, in case you were wondering, this particular individual is not the famous MattF from ICC.

The winner!

NONSEXUAL KARATE KID - Alexandra Kosteniuk

Honourable mentions

PENIS VALVE TOOL - Veselin Topalov
TANKER ANALOGY - Kateryna Lagno*
IDLE PERVERTS - Peter Svidler
OMINOUS LARVA PORN - Ruslan Ponomariov 

Some bonus bits

O'HANRAHAN'S EX-CLERK DEE - Alexander Areshchenko

 Not this guy

MUCKY NUN ZAHA - Anna Muzychuk

Not this guy either

* I've no idea when she changed her surname from Lahno.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Phil - I really enjoyed doing a bit of anagramming.

    As RdC (Every Old Grocer?) suspected I did make use of an anagram site but getting 'nice' anagrams is still tricky from the huge list you get for most of the names.

    For some reason I was particularly tickled by Vishy Anand -> Danish Navy.

    Matthew Fletcher -> Each Twelfth Term
