Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Worst Move On The Board XVII

Arkell-Osborne, e2e4.org.uk Sunningdale Open, round four, 7 July 2013. Position after 41...Kf8-e8.

It's a tough one, this, but there's no tougher competitor in British chess than Keith Arkell and in the position above, he found the Worst Move On The Board. Can you?

[Thanks to Jack Rudd]
[Worst move index]


  1. after 42 Na5 Nc6+ 43 Nxc6 b3 it looks like White's knight can't cover b1 in time...

  2. EJH + Jack Rudd + bad timing = me playing Keith thus morning.

    Cheers for that lads.

  3. How about 1.Na5 allowing 1...Nc6+, then after 2.Nxc6 running with the b-pawn? 1.Nd4 is not as bad, as then white can just protect the knight with his king.

    Steve B.

  4. Good grief. And the only possible point of Na5 is ... To prevent .. Nc6...

  5. Shouldn't one try to create two passed pawns via h4 and g5, a square the knight can't defend in time? The check is nothing to worry about? Either Kd6 or Kf4 in reply?
