Friday, November 22, 2013

Master of the scene

People everywhere
A sense of expectation hanging in the air
Giving out a spark
Across the room your eyes are glowing in the dark
And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene

Feeling mighty proud
I see you leave your table, pushing through the crowd
I'm really glad you came, you know the rules, you know the game
Master of the scene

Take it now or leave it
Now is all we get
Nothing promised, no regrets 

Oh come on. I'm supposed to know a Norwegian band am I?  Or music from this century? I'm 45 - get over it.


  1. Thought you might appreciate this quote from the bbc news website about Carlsen's victory "But he misses out on being the youngest player to win the title. That honour goes to the Russian Anatoly Kasparov"

  2. I believe they've fixed it now, but your eyes did not deceive you. There was apparently an intermediate version too...

  3. Very disappointed to not the S&BCB does not have a working knowledge of the Norwegian Black Metal scene; Emperor's "I Am The Black Wizards" is still better English than the three tries the BBC had at reporting Carlsen's victory...

  4. @Thomas: yeah, I saw that. It generated a lot of action on twitter this afternoon.

    I expected bollocks but not that much bollocks that soon.

    Anyhoo, see you tomorrow. Maybe we'll get to play this month

  5. As Jonathan Rowson said, such shoddiness is even less forgivable given that it was totally predictable - can't work out why someone couldn't have written most of it yesterday or even before.

  6. The BBC really are going out of their way to make it clear they don't give a hairy crap aren't they?

  7. If one didn't know better, one might almost suggest they were broadly reflecting the level of interest of the country as a whole...

  8. 45? You're a child of the 80s but you couldn't think of A-ha ?!

    Adam B.

  9. Will Magnus be challenging other top players to "Take On Me"?

  10. Maybe we'll get to play this month

    And we did.
