Thursday, October 09, 2014

On the Nevil

Talking about Andy Costello nearly going to prison, as I was yesterday, there was some action on the jail front this summer, but it was Nevil Chan, erstwhile national co-ordinator of Chess in Schools and Communities, who went down. Curiously, Nevil too had previous form, albeit only a caution for forgery, but it was enough to send him to the big house for a six-month stretch.

As it happens Nevil does have a connection to chessboxing, albeit one very slight and tangential indeed.

From the site:

Still, enough to raise the prospect of a Curse of Chessboxing. Who's next for the Curse, I wonder? Is Ray going on Saturday?


  1. As you say Justin, Nevil's connection with chess boxing is "very slight and tangential indeed".

    So why mention his conviction? It was a minor offence, for which he would not have gone to prison in most civilised countries. But you seem happy for everyone to know about it because it has a slight and tangential connection with your general agenda against chessboxing and Ray Keene.

    In this case I think you can fairly be accused of having an unhealthy obsession with your pet subjects.

  2. It doesn't have anything to do with Ray Keene at all, Jonathan.

    As far as Nevil's concerned, I thought it was an interesting contrast with yesterday's case: and if "man doesn't go to prison" constitutes chess news, then "man does go to prison" surely does.

    Criminal convictions are news, after all. And outside the rather strange world of chess, nobody would think otherwise.

  3. Perhaps put it this way, and perhaps it would have driven the point home more clearly had I done it this way rather than with somne levity.

    Prominent Official Of Educational Charity Convicted Of Fraud is so obviously news as to require no discussion.

    That's why you're reading about it above: as often with this blog, the questtion is not why you're reading it here as why you're not reading it elsewhere.

    The question of whether such crimes should lead to imprisonment is a different one entirely and one on which I doubt my view differs much from yours.

  4. Open prison; outdoors; suntan; lost weight; eight weeks. Out.

    'Punishment' served.

    End of.

    David R

  5. I'm going to plead anonymity in this, as I've known and respected Neville for many years. I had wondered why it was that he had taken up a second career as a chess trainer, but the blog material prompted some work with search engines. The previous "fraud" caution appears to relate to a complex civil case involving alleged or proven mortgage misrepresentation. This set some case precedents in the area of professional liability insurance.

    Perhaps making Justin's point, this wasn't a barrier to becoming Malcolm's right hand man at CSC.

  6. Off-topic now, but if Jon H is worried about what happens to the money he pays in taxes, the last thing he should want is for them to be quite wasted on a pointless prison sentence. And there is an alternative - 120 hours of community service, say, is a sentence which can affect someone for almost a year and it is actually cheap and somewhat constructive. (That would also meet the concerns of David R).

  7. I still believe in the deterrent value of a custodial sentence.

  8. Nev is a great guy....obviously he strayed and was tempted by this attractive Delila woman. Get off the man's case and give him a break

  9. [Anonymous comment received today - there is no way we could publish that without a real name attached!]
