Monday, September 14, 2015

DG XXVIII: The ECF vs The Daily Express

It’s been a bitterly fought campaign. With accusations and jibes thrown by the minute, you wonder how the major players can possibly work together hereafter. Surely the future can only bring yet more bloodletting and acrimony. Splits may emerge that take decades to heal.

But enough of the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn, let’s get back to the English Chess Federation.

Fancy a job with the ECF Jeremy?

Over on the ECF Forum I’ve been asking why I should be giving much of a monkey’s about our elections. What with having no vote despite having a requirement to pay an annual membership fee and all. Thus far I see no convincing argument as to why I should.

If I did care I think I might be making much more of a fuss about the ECF’s priorities. I might be asking why there’s so much chatter about the effing of offs and nothing at all about the our game’s national body turning itself into the Daily Express in front of our eyes.

There is an emerging awareness of the effectiveness of chess in delaying the onset of Alzheimers (sic)

Uh huh. Unsurprisingly, the ECF entirely failed to substantiate this claim when asked for evidence (see DG XXVII: The ECF vs Mrs Sally Williams).

ECF Director of Home Chess vs ECF Commercial Director

The Daily Express, the very definition of a lost cause, are notorious for their baseless "[whatever random thing they happen to feel like that day] beats dementia" claims. Their latest shouty frontpage headline, reproduced at the head of today’s blog, appeared this very weekend. DG V: In the News has twenty more.

The ECF, though? I hoped for better. I certainly expect better. I could demand better, but why bother? Nobody would listen. Why would they? It’s not as if I’ve got a vote or anything.

Chess and Dementia Index


  1. I particularly dislike the pompous comments by Chris Fegan on the ECF Forum, who has an astonishingly arrogant and condescending attitude to all and sundry but then (leaning forward sincerely, I imagine) declares himself to be the one person who promises to listen to the rank and file chess player. No wonder the ECF's governance is such a disgrace with odious creeps like him involved...

  2. "I’ve been asking why I should be giving much of a monkey’s about our elections. What with having no vote despite having a requirement to pay an annual membership fee and all. Thus far I see no convincing argument as to why I should."

    Hi Jonathan,

    One answer would be if you benefit from any ECF services which depend on volunteers.

    If the outcome of the forthcoming elections results in some volunteers being unwilling to serve, or a reduction in the number of new people being willing to come forward, then that could impact on you and on other players.

    David Sedgwick

  3. That's a useful point David but it seems to me it applies to anything of significance that might happen within the ECF, i.e. it's not specific to these elections or any others.

  4. "That's a useful point David but it seems to me it applies to anything of significance that might happen within the ECF, i.e. it's not specific to these elections or any others."

    Hi Justin,

    The recent that I've mentioned it now is that I believe that it is particularly relevant on this occasion.

    I'll leave it there.

    David Sedgwick

  5. "One answer would be if you benefit from any ECF services which depend on volunteers."

    Hi David. Yes, agreed. There are lots of reasons like that. I’m not saying the elections aren’t important, but rather I’m asking what is the point in caring if I can’t take part? If I can’t engage?

  6. I absolutely agree with the earlier comments - Chris Fegan has shown himself to be incredibly arrogant in his comments on the 'official' and non-toxic forum - not just during this campaign but his tone from the outset has been appalling. As the person whose brainchild this unnecessary waste-of-money forum was in the first place he should count himself lucky it hasn't been around longer for him to make a prat of himself.

  7. an ordinary chessplayerWed Sept 16, 02:32:00 am 2015

    "I’m asking what is the point in caring if I can’t take part? If I can’t engage?"

    Perhaps there are other ways to engage - like bribery.
