Tuesday, October 20, 2015

So farewell then

So farewell then
Phil Ehr
The man who came out of nowhere
And lost an election to Nobody.
Perhaps the Strategic Advisor
Didn't have a very good strategy
And gave even worse advice.

EJ Horton (age 50 1/2)


  1. A chessman by the name of Phil
    Tried to govern with iron will,
    But reasoning with Fegan,
    Who has the charm of a pagan,
    Is like pushing water uphill.

    Before the election I had assumed that Phil and his cronies might just survive. But I guess that if my own boardroom experience has taught me anything, it's that "what goes around, comes around". Eventually people will be found out...Fegan's mendacious drivel just accelerated this. Overall, English chess - being run mainly by middle-aged male volunteers - seems unable to attract enough good men or women with honest and open personalities and no personal agenda or egotistical traits. Maybe that will change now, who knows?

  2. Leading the ECF is a poisoned chalice. Only one man is capable of providing proper leadership and bringing the rank and file of English chess together in unity. That man is Ernie Lazenby.

  3. Phil came from Texas
    Done in by a Nexus
