Saturday, November 21, 2015

Grossly immature

There's quite a few things, not all of them good, to be said about Stephen Moss's Guardian piece yesterday, but this passage, perhaps, stands out as much as anything.

Especially the last part. You really wouldn't have thought it possible, with Nigel's long history of puerile sexism, to quote him calling other people
grossly immature
without irony.

But Stephen Moss did.

[Nigel Short index]


  1. Well, in fairness everything Nigel says there is spot on, whatever you might think of him. Indeed, it's scarcely possible to condemn the ECF Council in strong enough terms.

  2. I think more or less everything Nigel says is ill-informed and partial. I'll maybe get on to some of that later in the week, or I'll maybe just say that this "disconnect between the top players and the club players" really only applies to one top player.
