Monday, January 14, 2008

A Curious Item

Should you find yourself wandering around central London tomorrow with a spare ten thousand pounds weighing down a pocket or two, why not pop into the "The Gentleman's Library Sale" at Auctioneers Bonhams and take a punt on The Cambridge University Chess Club Board? As the Lot Details makes clear, more than one famous name features on its surround. Although judging from the number of paragraphs dedicated to him in their Lot Details - nine - of most interest to the auctioneers is "the notorious Aleister Crowley, the noted Satanist, writer, philosopher and chess player."

Meanwhile, I believe I've located one rather famous physicist...

... one year, a college and four boards away the extraordinary Sir (Philip) Stuart Milner-Barry.

Thanks to Richard T for the tip-off on this one.


  1. Funnily enough I was only the other day flicking through my copy of Chess For The Love Of It by ARB Thomas. To my recollection I won it as a prize in a Stevenage junior congress and to my further recollection I only had to score something like 4.5/8 to get it....

  2. I see that the lot has now been withdrawn. Interesting... I wonder if the devilish Mr Crowley intervened from beyond the grave to stop the sale.

  3. Incidentally both ARB Thomas and Milner-Barry remained active till the 1980s.
