Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh Hou we laughed

We're nothing if not petty-minded on this blog, so we exhibited very few signs of distress when Angus drew it to our attention, yesterday, that Nigel had been beaten by a thirteen-year-old in twenty-three moves. Unfortunately these days Nosher has a sense of humour about this sort of thing, but so do we, so if you have not enjoyed the game already, it is provided here for your enjoyment.

Aficionados will enjoy the presence of Nigel's favourite bad move, ...g5, which features in many of his worst disasters, in the position below.


  1. Not sure if this comment belongs here or three items down but Short is playing that 4... Nc6 Petroff line today.


  2. ... or, rather, his opponent, Koneru, another young lady, is.


  3. I wonder if Short beat anyone stronger himself when he was 13 years old?

  4. Hou's own comments on the game are in http://main.uschess.org/content/view/8121/431
